Going back into the salon while COVID is still a threat? As salons re-open here is what you should expect to see.

We have one of the closest contact professions aside from doctors so going back to work is especially scary. Now that several of the states have opened up salons, or have a least given a date as to when the salons will open, how are we going to handle it??
It seems as though the Governor's are giving the initial limitations and then State Boards (which is who the salon professionals are licensed through) are setting forth additional safety and sanitation guidelines.While each state is slightly different please know that the health and safety of everyone is of utmost importance.
Here's some info. to help ease your worries whether you are a stylist or client. Stylists and clients should be wearing masks with the exception of those with medical conditions make it a health hazard for them to do so (asthmatics, COPD, etc. where the mask would further inhibit their already stressed breathing), many will wear masks and face shields, some just face shields. If you choose not to wear a mask, please know that if
the stylist is uncomfortable with that your appointment may be cancelled. On the flip side, if your stylist is not wearing a face covering and it makes you uncomfortable you have the right to refuse your service as well.
Sanitation has always been a priority in the salon and now it is taken to a new level. Clients should sanitize their hands when they come in, stylists will be required to sanitize themselves along with their tools and their stations between each client. Along with the upgraded sanitation requirements I would suggest bringing your own coffee, tea, water, magazines, and snacks as these are probably not going to be provided in the salon right now in order to cut down on germ transmission.

Social distancing rules will be in effect so many of the waiting areas will be closed and salons will require you to wait outside until you are called to come in.
Plexiglass shields at the desks will probably not be a new sight in general but will be new in most salons at checkout, as well as dividers between stations.
Salons will be doing their best to keep everyone healthy and although things will be slightly different it's all good stuff! (aside from not having coffee and snacks which hopefully is temprorary!)